Language of this video: English

A step-by-step video course based on lengthy master classes in real time. Video course in two parts, from a leading Swedish plastic surgeon, an expert in aesthetic medicine.

  • First model. Correction zones: forehead, between the eyebrows, cheekbones, lips (special attention).
  • Second model. Careful correction of the periorbital zone.
  • Layout taking into account the proportions of the face, balance and the real picture of possible correction.
  • Cannula and needle work, with the most popular fillers. What injection technique should be used depending on the characteristics of the patient's aging morphotype and individual characteristics.
  • Directions of massage movements for effective distribution of the administered drug.
  • Use of lidocaine during master classes.
  • Photo criteria "before" and "after". Nuances for the doctors.
  • Answers to audience questions.
  • and etc.

Doctor Fredrik Berne, MD (Sweden)

Fredrik Berne MD Specialist in Surgery and Breast surgery specializing in aesthetic surgery since 2004.Founder and co-owner of Klinik34 specializing and evolving Minimal Invasive Plastic Surgery. Well known for his new methods in body and facial contouring with autologous fat and hyaluronic acid. He is part of multiple advisory boards both European, Asian and International within Botulinum Toxines HA-fillers and breast implants. Member of the Swedish Association for Breast Surgery.

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