Category: Russian content / Зарубежные курсы

ENG+RUS. Коррекция губ. 

Lip augmentation. Perioral rejuvenation.

By Simon and Emma Ravinchandran (UK)

Два подробных мастер-класса от экспертов из Великобритании.

Сочетание различных продуктов в одной процедуре. 

При работе с губами и периоральной области в целом, важно знать, что многие нехирургические вмешательства могут быть использованы для лечения этой области. Поскольку в процессе старения участвуют несколько тканей, очевидно, что не существует «одного наполнителя». Доктор Саймон и Эмма Равичандран из Академии Эстетического Обучения в Глазго представляют свой многопрофильный подход к этой области.

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Dr Simon Ravichandran (UK)

Доктор Саймон Равичандран является ведущим экспертом в области эстетической медицины, специализирующимся на нехирургических процедурах для лица с использованием ZO Skinhealth и ZO Medical, ботокса, дермальных наполнителей, нитей, химических пилингов и лазеров. 

Первоначально доктор Равичандран учился на ЛОР-хирурга в Глазго, пока не ушел из практики NHS, чтобы посвятить все свое время развитию эстетической медицины. Он стал соучредителем группы Clinetix Medispa в 2010 году и является соучредителем и председателем Association of Scottish Aesthetic Practitione. Он всемирно признанный преподаватель эстетической медицины, известный своим энтузиазмом и страстью в преподавании. Он был преподавателем по многочисленным программам последипломного образования и читал лекции в Северной Америке, Южной Америке и по всей Европе и Великобритании. 

Д-р Равичандран является соавтором успешной программы обучения эстетической медицине в Шотландии, которая предлагает серию курсов по эстетической медицине для врачей, стоматологов и медсестер с целью развития их навыков и знаний. 

Dr Simon Ravichandran is a Key Opinion Leader in Aesthetic Medicine, Specialising in non surgical facial treatments with ZO Skinhealth and ZO Medical, Botox, Dermal Fillers, Thread Lifts, chemical peels and lasers. Originally Simon trained as an ENT surgeon in Glasgow until he retired from NHS practice to commit himself full time to the development of aesthetic medicine.

He co-founded the Clinetix Medispa group in 2010 and is the co founder and chairman of the Association of Scottish Aesthetic Practitioners. He is an internationally recognised lecturer and educator of aesthetic medicine, known for his enthusiasm and passion when teaching.

He has been a faculty member on numerous post graduate education programs and has lectured and demonstrated in North America, South America and throughout Europe and the UK. Dr Simon Ravichandran co-runs a successful aesthetic medicine training program in Scotland which delivers a series of courses in Aesthetic Medicine for Doctors, Dentists and Nurses to develop their skills and knowledge.

When approaching the lip and perioral area it is important to be aware that many non-surgical interventions may be used to treat this area. As the ageing process involves multiple tissues it is evident that there is no ‘one filler’ solution. Simon and Emma Ravichandran of the Aesthetic Training Academy in Glasgow present their multi-product approach to treat this area.

Dr Emma Ravichandran (UK)

Доктор Эмма Равичандран получивший множество наград специалист, является соучредителем группы Clinetix, Association of Scottish Aesthetic Practitione (ASAP) и Aesthetic Training Academy. Имея опыт в детской стоматологии и 12 лет работы в эстетической медицине,  Эмма обладает обширными достижениями. На протяжении многих этапов своей профессиональной деятельности Эмма ставит конечные преимущества для пациентов в центр всех своих профессиональных и клинических решений.

Dr Emma Ravichandran BDS.MFDS, the multi-award winning specialist, is co-founder of the Clinetix group, the Association of Aesthetic Practitioners (ASAP) and the Aesthetic Training Academy. With a background in paediatric dentistry and 12 years of excellence in Aesthetic Medicine, Emma possesses a range of expertise and achievements. Throughout the many strands of her professional life, Emma places the ultimate benefits to patients at the heart of all of her professional and clinical decisions


“Always have the humility to accept you won’t get it right all the time and that there’s so much to learn” says Dr Simon Ravichandran who established the Clinetix Medispa group in 2006 in Scotland with his wife, Dr Emma Ravichandran. 

The pair opened their first clinic in 2011, before opening a second in 2013. 

Since its inception in 2009, Clinetix has progressed to become one of the world’s most ethical, pioneering and patient-focused clinical groups. Emma’s reputation and dedication to the highest standards in practice have led to guest lecturing, at venues such as the RCS (London & Scotland), Key Opinion Leader roles, and articles in a wide range of publications. All these activities have promoted and shared the safe and effective application of the latest aesthetic techniques and products.

In 2018, Emma was honoured with the award of Medical Practitioner of the Year at the prestigious MyFaceMyBody Awards. Emma previously achieved renown as Aesthetic Dentist of the Year and, with her co-founder and team, as Best Clinic Scotland at the Aesthetic Awards. Recognition also came in 2017, when the ATA became the only HIS regulated service of its kind.

Following the foundation of the ASAP in 2009, Emma has assisted in the development of countless numbers of practitioners, via online forums and annual conferences. Throughout the many strands of her professional life, Emma places the ultimate benefits to patients at the heart of all her professional and clinical decisions.

Emma prides herself on the development of her team and appreciates the importance of individually tailored staff progression and constructive team building in achieving the aim of genuinely patient-centred care. As a responsible business owner, Emma ensures the Clinetix group is an outward-facing organisation and is known as an avid supporter of local charitable and sporting events.

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